Health Insurance
- Create an account on
- See if you qualify for a tax credit/subsidy. Our NPN number is 8622188.
- Apply for coverage that best fits your needs and budget
Want an affordable health insurance plan, plus help putting it to good use?
From customized plan selection to lower health care costs and beyond, IAA’s suite of products provides the end-to-end health care solutions you need.
Option 1: ACA – Marketplace Coverage
The new “Standard” for healthcare. Non-underwritten, no pre-existing condition issues. Very expensive without subsidy with high Out of Pocket caps.
Applying for health insurance coverage is as easy as 1-2-3!
- Create an account on
- See if you qualify for a tax credit/subsidy. Our NPN number is 8622188.
- Apply for coverage that best fits your needs and budget
- Only Silver Plans allow discounted deductible and coinsurance.
- You may enroll during the open enrollment period from November 15th, 2019 through January 15th, 2020.
- You may also enroll at any time of year if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period or have a Qualifying Life Event (ie. moving to a new state, certain changes in your income, and changes in your family size, for example, if you marry, divorce, or have a baby).
- The most important part of your decision process should be the network and your Rx coverage.
- All qualified health plans are given a medal. Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum.

From customized plan selection to lower health care costs and beyond, IAA's suite of products provides the end-to-end health care solutions you need.
Can You Buy Health Insurance Now?
If you have a qualifying event or are Native American, you can buy ACA-compliant coverage today, but probably will have to wait until at least the start of next month before the coverage is in force.
If you don’t have a qualifying event, you can’t buy ACA-compliant coverage until open enrollment.
If you meet the Medicaid eligibility requirements of the state where you live, you may be able to enroll in Medicaid and have coverage in place immediately.
Option 2: Short Term Coverage
Typically for less than 1 year of coverage however some plans offer a Medicare Bridge plan up to 3 years – Underwritten plans.
For millions of Americans, buying a short-term health insurance plan offers the fastest route to having some level of coverage in place. These plans are not ACA-compliant, but can still provide protection from catastrophic medical expenses — and you can purchase the plans at any time during the year.
That means you could buy a short-term plan today and — if you’re approved through the underwriting process — you could have coverage in force as soon as the next business day. This aspect of short-term plans is particularly appealing to consumers who are planning to buy ACA-compliant coverage but who face a wait of days or weeks — or even months — before that coverage takes effect.

Today, most people get their health insurance through their work. But every year, more and people are choosing to shop in the private market for personal health insurance.
Option 3: Faith Based Plans
Typically for healthier individuals that don’t qualify for ACA plans. No underwriting / pre-existing conditions not covered for generally 24 months.
The difference between standard (everyday) healthcare plans and major medical insurance
Major medical insurance must meet the minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act including preventive care, a prescription drug program, emergency services, hospitalization, and its associated costs. While carrying major medical insurance can be reassuring, the soaring costs of healthcare and rigid open enrollment periods have made it very difficult and often unattainable for many hard-working Americans.
Today, most people get their health insurance through their work. But every year, more and people are choosing to shop in the private market for personal health insurance.
If you’re looking for healthcare solutions that are designed around your needs and provide the security of great medical care at an affordable price, Faith Based plans may be right for you.
Choose from a variety of plans that fit your needs and budget – health sharing plans for Catastrophic, Standard, Short Term and Comprehensive plans available.
For some individuals and families, there are key advantages to personal health insurance over employer health coverage—affordability, portability and customization. Whether you are a single individual, have a family, are self-employed, are a student, or are just looking for the best health plan for your unique needs, you should consider a faith based plan.